About Us
About Red Giant Rights Group
Red Giant was founded in 2016 with the Artist in mind. Our hard-working team has a heart for the Artist and the Artist’s plight. Red Giant is dedicated to assisting the older Artist with Copyright Protection by applying the intricacies of the US Copyright Act to their advantage and to the advantage of any surviving family members. We specialize in copyright termination and partner with some of the best copyright attorneys in the US. We spearhead the negotiation process to ensure that the Artist or Artist’s family receives every remuneration that they deserve. Additionally, we offer important services for our Artists including, but not limited to: contract negotiation, royalty review, sync/master licensing promotion, publishing, digital distribution, podcasting, merchandising, marketing, strategy, name/likeness, life story, etc.
We hope that you’ll discover that Red Giant is different because WE GET IT! We’re not attorneys looking to charge you billable hours. We’re not your best friend or relative that once heard of reversions, read an article on the internet, and thinks that they can help you. Copyright Termination is Federal Law gifted to you by the US Congress. It is not a joke. It is not a hoax. It’s real and it’s happening right now! Red Giant can shepherd you through the process and help you navigate the pitfalls so that you are no longer in the dark, ill-informed, or missing out on potential financial benefit for generations.
Happy to answer any questions. If you are a songwriter, recording artist, author, playwright, screenwriter, (or a surviving family member), or otherwise once granted or sold your copyrights to another person or entity, call our CEO, Robert King, directly on his cell phone for a confidential conversation: 917-848-9934.
Representative List of Our Artists:
(click on artist picture to learn more)